Title: Craft in Contemporary Design Culture in Turkey: Silversmithing in Grand Bazaar
Published: 2017 Degree: Master of Science Adviser: Assistant Professor Dr. Ayça TUNÇ COX  
Many researchers have investigated and analysed specific craft traditions and their practice in Turkey. Traditional production techniques, craft and design of cultural objects and different handicrafts from Turkey have been important research subjects. However, definition of tradition, culture and craft have changed over time, and keeps changing. The influence of these elements on product design and how they shifted within time should be studied more extensively. This thesis explores one of the craft neighborhoods in Turkey and suggests new ways craft can be implemented into product design today. For this purpose, craft’s history and relation to design and technology is investigated. A part of the field study was conducted with students of industrial design at İstanbul Bilgi University, as a part of their 2nd year studio course; in which the students were paired with craftsmen in Kapalıçarşı area, one of the historic craft neighborhoods in İstanbul. A traditional craft from Turkey, silversmithing, is taken as an example and implemented into product design. Moreover, in-depth interviews were conducted with the silversmiths in the area, to question the situation of craft today, and outcomes were discussed in terms of how it can be related with product design.

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